Auspice slow/unresponsive with latest 1Password browser extension

The Nextstrain team

Scope: and, any other custom Auspice server

[January 22, 2025] We have applied a workaround for the 1Password extension issue in Auspice version 2.62.0. and have been updated with this new version.

We recently became aware that recent versions of the 1Password browser extension are interfering with Auspice visualizations, leading to slowness and in some cases unresponsiveness. We are actively working with the 1Password support team to resolve the problem.

In the meantime, consider disabling the extension in your browser's settings if you are experiencing difficulty viewing datasets. More information, workarounds, and updates can be found in a GitHub issue.

All source code is freely available under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License. Screenshots may be used under a CC-BY-4.0 license and attribution to must be provided.

This work is made possible by the open sharing of genetic data by research groups from all over the world. We gratefully acknowledge their contributions. Special thanks to Kristian Andersen, Josh Batson, David Blazes, Jesse Bloom, Peter Bogner, Anderson Brito, Matt Cotten, Ana Crisan, Tulio de Oliveira, Gytis Dudas, Vivien Dugan, Karl Erlandson, Nuno Faria, Jennifer Gardy, Nate Grubaugh, Becky Kondor, Dylan George, Ian Goodfellow, Betz Halloran, Christian Happi, Jeff Joy, Paul Kellam, Philippe Lemey, Nick Loman, Duncan MacCannell, Erick Matsen, Sebastian Maurer-Stroh, Placide Mbala, Danny Park, Oliver Pybus, Andrew Rambaut, Colin Russell, Pardis Sabeti, Katherine Siddle, Kristof Theys, Dave Wentworth, Shirlee Wohl and Cecile Viboud for comments, suggestions and data sharing.

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