{ "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-06/schema#", "$id": "https://nextstrain.org/schemas/dataset/root-sequence", "title": "Nextstrain root-sequence sidecar for datasets", "description": "Typically produced by Augur and consumed by Auspice. Applicable to the `--root-sequence` output of `augur export v2` as well as the `--output-sequence` option of `augur export v1`.", "oneOf": [ { "$comment": "This is sort of weird, but `augur export v1` can explicitly produce an empty object.", "description": "An empty object", "type": "object", "properties": {}, "additionalProperties": false }, { "description": "An object containing at least a \"nuc\" key and optionally additional keys for genome annotations (e.g. genes)", "type": "object", "required": ["nuc"], "properties": { "nuc": { "description": "Nucleotide sequence of whole genome (from the output of `augur ancestral`)", "type": "string" } }, "patternProperties": { "^[a-zA-Z0-9*_-]+$": { "$comment": "This pattern is the same pattern used in the corresponding parts of schema-export-v2.json.", "description": "Amino acid sequence of genome annotation (e.g. gene) identified by this key (from the output of `augur translate`)", "type": "string" } } } ] }